2 March 2015

Dust and Ash

Hello people... I played WolfQuest today. I decided to make a new wolf, and called her Dust. It was therefore fitting that her mate should be called Ash. So, after a long trek throughout Yellowstone, I ventured to Amethyst Mountain to find a dispersal male.

Here's Dust and Ash together. Dust is the wolf closest to the front.
After completing this arena, Dust and Ash set off for a new life in Slough Creek. I tried out the experience points cheat and making their pups the same colour as them.

Sorry this is such a short post; it's only my second blog post and I'm still editing the blog's layout and template a little more so I want to focus on that first to get it out of the way. I will post more soon!

1 March 2015

Return of the Pack!

This is my first post, and ironically it's not exactly about WolfQuest. It's about another game currently in development, called Return of the Pack, or ROTP for short. It's a sort of follow-up game to WQ, and as you probably know that WolfQuest has fallen short of funding and is therefore unfortunatley unable to update any further. :(

So far there isn't much to do on ROTP, but hopefully sometime in the future we will be able to play the game in all its glory ^^

You can download the demo, and I will provide you some links: